About OMH

OMH stands for the abbreviation of Operations mit Hausverstand which means literally Operations with common sense. It is the credo of the company to apply common sense during the different project phases. OMH has been founded by Michael Huemer to provide services in Ticketing, Event management and ERP system implementation .

Together with the excellence delivered success will follow naturally.

OMH scoring at EURO 2012 Ukraine


OMH supports the digitalization of business processes in small and medium sized entreprises. Furthermore OMH offers cutting-edge expertise in the area of Ticketing and Access Control.

Especially if you are a user of BMD, Tableau or SecuTix/TIXnGO, you will vastly benefit from the experience from projects delivered so far.


OMH bundles the knowledge of the last 4 major European football tournaments for National teams in 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2021 as well as for all European Club Finals from 2016 until 2021. During this period I was the project and product lead to implement Mobile Ticketing within the European Football Association UEFA. Before joining UEFA on a 100% basis, I have worked in the project team of BMD to implement the inhouse designed solution all over Austria. Both areas required a perfect understanding of the possibilities within IT systems as well as educated ear to listen to the business needs of each party involved. Later on I have also started get involved as a Venue Director for UEFA during season matches in the club competitions, this task heavily increased my knowledge on the sportive side of the events.

Learn more about the biggest project so far by clicking on the image below.

Mobile Ticketing explanation video UEFA EURO 2020

About me

My name is Michael Huemer and I am the fouder of OMH. As an experienced professional in the areas of Business Reporting, Event management, Digital Ticketing and ERP implementation, I have worked in many different countries always striving to find the best solutions. During these 15 years I have managed to improve my language skills year after year and now I am fluent in German, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

My aim is to contiousely improve processes around me to save efforts and unlock new benefits for each stakeholder.

Michael Huemer from omh.digital in UEFA office


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